Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on industrial and livestock rearing emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control).
Type of law
Date of original text
This Directive lays down rules on integrated prevention and control of pollution arising from industrial activities, particularly those referred to in Chapters II to VI (which include combustion plants, waste incineration plants and installations and activities using organic solvents as well as installations producing titanium dioxide). It sets out provisions to prevent or reduce emissions into air, water and land, to prevent the generation of waste, improve resource efficiency, and to promote the circular economy and decarbonisation, in order to achieve a high level of protection of human health and the environment taken as a whole.
Attached files
Date of consolidation/reprint
Date of text
A consolidated version of the present Directive, as last amended by the Directive (EU) 2024/1785, is attached.
Serial Imprint
Official Journal of the European Union L 334, 17 December 2010, pp. 17-119.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Implemented by