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Decree No. 310 of 2013 (VIII. 16.) Korm. of the Government providing detailed rules on waste management plans and waste prevention programmes.

Type of law

According to Article 1 of this Decree, municipalities, civil organisations and the authorities listed in Annex 1 shall transmit the data and information necessary for the preparation of the national and local waste management plans and waste prevention programmes to the National Waste Management Office. Regional plans and programmes shall be elaborated for each regional environmental, nature protection and water management area. The National Waste Management Office makes available the provisional plans and programmes for the interested organisations, municipalities and authorities who may put forward their comments, opinions and recommendations within 30 days. Final plans and programmes are made by the National Waste Management Office taking into account the feedback from local entities. Annexes 2 and 3 lay down the structure and content of plans and programmes. Final plans and programmes shall be submitted to the Minister in charge of environmental affairs.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
On 25 August 2013.
Publication reference
Magyar K zl ny 137. sz m, 2013. augusztus 16., pp. 65975-65980.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
310/2013. (VIII. 16.) Korm. rendelet a hullad kgazd lkod si tervekre s a megel z si programokra vonatkoz r szletes szab lyokr l