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Act CLXXXV of 2012 on waste.

Type of law
Date of original text

The purpose of this Act is the protection of the environment and human health, the mitigation of environmental impact, the efficient management of natural resources, the reduction of the impact and improvement of efficiency of the use of resources, as well as the prevention of waste and its harmful effects, the reduction of its quantity and hazardousness, the re-use of materials, as well as higher rates of waste recycling and environmentally sound disposal of non-reusable and non-recyclable waste. The Act consists of 11 chapters. Chapter I lays down general provisions; Chapter II provides general rules on waste; Chapter III regulates waste management; Chapter IV contains the obligation of actors in the waste management sector, Chapter V lays down general rules of public waste management service; Chapter VI contains general rules regarding each type of waste, among which hazardous waste and waste oil; Chapter VII sets out the rules concerning illegal waste disposal or abandonment; Chapter VIII provides for obligations (such as duty of reporting and registration, payment of waste disposal fee, reserves and insurance) linked to waste management activities; Chapter IX rules planning of waste management at national and territorial level; Chapter X contains rules on certain activities of the authorities concerning waste management, among which authorization, registration and control, and foresees sanctions for offenders; finally Chapter XI contains final provisions.
Chemicals and Waste
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
First entry into force on 1 January 2013. The last consolidated version of the Act entered into force on 4 December 2015.
Publication reference
Magyar K zl ny 160. sz m, 2012. november 30., pp. 26904-26947.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
2012. vi CLXXXV. t rv ny a hullad kr l
Toolkit legislation
Regulatory Approach
Plastic toolkit tags
Hazardous waste, Plastic waste, Recycling, Waste management, Waste management hierarchy
Implemented by