Decree No. 440 of 2012 (XII. 29.) Korm of the Government concerning the obligations of registration of and data reporting on waste.
Type of law
This Decree applies to waste as defined in the basic Act, to waste producers, owners, transporters, intermediators, traders and managers. They shall keep a register regarding the quantity and type of waste produced or taken back, treated by him, or transferred to somebody else. Annex 1 shows the data that the register kept by waste producers must contain in case of non-hazardous (point 1) and hazardous (point 2) waste. A regular data reporting is compulsory for waste treatment plants, producers and traders. Model reporting forms are shown in Annexes 2-7. The environmental protection authority elaborates the data reported and carries out controls. The authority may impose a penalty for offenders. The must be accessible for everybody free of charge.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
2 January 2013.
Publication reference
Magyar K zl ny 184. sz m, 2012. december 29., pp. 38730-38750.
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
A Korm ny 440/2012. (XII. 29.) Korm. rendelete a hullad kkal kapcsolatos nyilv ntart si s adatszolg ltat si k telezetts gekr l