Decree No. 46 of 2009 (IV.16.) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development providing detailed rules of utilization of the subsidy to be granted for the first establishment of agro-forestry systems on agricultural land from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
Type of law
Date of original text
The subsidy has the objective of enabling: the establishment and utilization of wooded pastures; the conservation of traditional and local farming and of mosaic-like landscape structure. The subsidy under this Decree is a single, area-based and non-repayable subsidy. This Decree provides rules regarding the obligations of the grantee, the administrative procedures and sanctions.
Attached files
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
This Decree entered into force on 13 May 2011.
Magyar K zl ny 52. sz m, 2009. prilis 16., pp.14560-14572
Publication reference
Magyar K zl ny 52. sz m, 2009. prilis 16., pp. 14560-14572.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
46/2009. (IV. 16.) FVM rendelet az Eur pai Mez gazdas gi Vid kfejleszt si Alapb l az agr r-erd szeti rendszerek mez gazdas gi f ldter leteken t rt n els l trehoz s hoz ny jtand t mogat s ig nybev tel nek r szletes szab lyair l