Act No. XVII of 2007 on certain issues of procedures in relation to support for agricultural, rural development and fisheries and to other measures.
Type of law
Date of original text
This Act lays down the principles and the framework of institutions, information systems and proceedings in connection to national implementation of agricultural, rural development and fishery subsidies to be granted from European (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, European Agricultural Guarantee Fund and European Fisheries Fund) and from national financial resources. The purpose of this Act is, in the interest of legality, efficiency and transparency of proceedings, to prescribe uniform rules of utilization of agricultural, rural development or fisheries support from EU or national resources and of participation in other non-financial market regulatory measures of the Common Agricultural Policy, and to determine the rights and obligations of beneficiaries and of governing and implementing organs. The Act is composed of nine chapters and divided in 84 articles. Chapter I contains general provisions. Chapter 2 rules the institutions of governance and implementation. Chapter 3 provides for data treatment and records. Chapter 4 lays down the rules of administrative proceedings. Chapter 5 contains the rules of the invitation-to-tender procedure. Offences and sanctions are governed by Chapter 6. Chapter 8 contains miscellaneous provisions and Chapter 9 gives entry-into force and transitory provisions.
Attached files
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Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
This text entered into force on 7 April 2007.
Consolidated version
Publication reference
Official Gazette
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
2007. vi XVII. t rv ny a mez gazdas gi, agr r-vid kfejleszt si, valamint hal szati t mogat sokhoz s egy b int zked sekhez kapcsol d elj r s egyes k rd seir l
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