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Governmental Decree No. 201 of 2001 (X.25.) Korm. on quality standards for potable water and on rules of quality control.

Type of law
Date of original text

This Decree shall be applied to quality standards of water destined for human consumption (potable water) and to quality control. Articles 3-4 and Annex 1 contains the quality standards for potable water and determine the water take-out points where the quality of potable water must meet quality standards. Article 5 deals with quality control. The manager of the potable water supply plant or the food producing enterprise must provide for the control of water quality to be carried out by an authorized laboratory, according to the rules contained in Annex 2 and in conformity with the control plan agreed with the competent authority. In case of exceedance of one of the limit values or if any extraordinary event, that may danger of contamination, occurs, the competent authority (National Public Health and Medical Officer Service) shall examine the reasons and order the necessary measures for quality improvement (Article 6). Article 7 lays down rules regarding provisional permit (maximum for 3 years) for the supply of potable water that does not meet quality standards of Part B of Annex 1, provided that the consumption of such water does not mean hazard for human health, and that potable water supply can not be ensured in other reasonable way in the interested area. If this is the case, the competent authority shall determine provisional limit value for the parameter in question. Rules regarding water treatment and substances being in touch with potable water are set forth in Article 9. Data regarding the quality of supplied potable water is public according to Article 10. The same article provides also for data collection and reporting activities.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
The original text entered into force on 25 November 2001. The consolidated version of the Decree entered into force on 1 December 2013.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
201/2001. (X. 25.) Korm. rendelet az iv v z min s gi k vetelm nyeir l s az ellen rz s rendj r l