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Governmental Decree No. 314/2005 (XII.25.) regarding the procedures of environmental impact assessment and the single procedure of authorization of utilization of the environment.

Type of law
Date of original text

This Decree must be applied to activities, establishments and to their significant modifications and changes listed in Annexes 1-3, except for activities listed in Annex 2 and in points 1-127 and 129-131 of Annex 3 used for research, development purposes and for the testing of new products and techniques. These activities must be authorized by the environmental protection authority and environmental impact assessment shall be performed before the commencement of activities. Impact assessment is performed in two phases (preliminary study and detailed study). The supervision of activities in terms of conformity with environmental requirements is carried out by the Environmental, Nature Protection and Water Management Inspectorate. Articles 6-16 contain the rules of proceedings of EIA. Articles 17-23 contain the rules of the single procedure of authorization of utilization of the environment. The two types of proceedings can be unified or linked according to rules in articles 24-25. Sanctions and penalties for offenders are foreseen by article 26.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
First entry into force on 1 January 2006.
Consolidated version as last amended by Decree No. 302/2020 (VI.29).
Publication reference
Magyar K zl ny, 168. sz m, 2005. december 25.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
314/2005. (XII. 25.) Korm. rendelet a k rnyezeti hat svizsg lati s az egys ges k rnyezethaszn lati enged lyez si elj r sr l