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Fisheries Law (No. 9 of 1985).

Type of law

This text is a basic fisheries legislation consisting of 35 sections divided into 11 Parts: General definitions (I); Fisheries Territory (II); Fisheries Resource Management (III); Exploitation of Fisheries Resources (IV); Promotion and development (V); Delegation of authority and assistance (VI); Control and Surveillance (VII); Offences and Penalties (VIII); Miscellaneous (IX); Transitional Provisions (X); Final Provisions (XI).
The Act regulates the control of marine and freshwater fishery resources in order to ensure their preservation and the protection of the environment. To this end the Minister responsible for fisheries shall make regulations on: 1) fishing gear; 2) technical specifications for fishing vessels; 3) allowable catch; 4) fishing grounds, sea lanes, times and seasons; 5) prevention of pollution; 6) dissemination of new species of fish; 7) fish breeding; 8) fish disease and pest control; 9) any other matter needed for the control of fishery resources (sect. 4). The Act provides also for the issuance of fishing licenses, the support of the Government for the development of fisheries, and the decentralization of certain activities and powers to the local governments. Section 4 declares that fishing business in Indonesia is exclusively for Indonesian citizens or companies. All individuals and companies carrying out fishing business should be licensed, except subsistence fishermen. Fishing vessels used by Indonesian citizens or companies for fishing activities, excepted research fishing, in the Indonesian fishing area, the EEZ excluded, shall be Indonesian flagged vessels (sect. 12).
Date of text
This Act repeals: The General Regulations No. 157 of 1918 on pearl, mother of pearl, trepang and sponge fishing; the Regulations No. 396 of 1920 for the protection of fish resources; Law No. 144 of 1927 on fisheries within the water territory of the Netherlands Indies; Law No. 145 of 1927 on whaling; Law No. 442 of 1939 on fishing within the territorial sea, with the exception of provisions on the enforcement of law at sea.
Publication reference
FAL No. 36, 1987, 104-111.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Repealed by