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Government Regulation no. 26 of 2021 about Organisation of Agriculture.

Type of law

This Government Regulation, consisting of 237 articles, implements the provision of articles 28 and 185 letter b, of the Act no. 11 of 2020 regarding job creation, aims at defining, organising and implementing the agricultural sector and the activities related to. The following relevant terms are defined: plantation, cultivation rights, genetic resources, seeds, plantation plants, plant breeding, genetically modified organisms, seed production, label, plantation company, rights for the protection of crop varieties, horticulture, single parent tree, public grazing area, animal feed plant, hormones, antibiotics, feed, feed additives, veterinary drugs, animal husbandry.
Matters covered by the Regulation concern: 1) plantation sub-sector, including: plantation business, seed and conservation of plants genetic resources; 2) plant variety protection rights; 3) food crop sub-sector, including: agricultural cultivation, land conversion plan; 4) horticultural sub-sector, including: horticultural facilities, horticultural business quality and food safety standards, horticultural plant seed business; 5) livestock and animal health sub-sector, including: requirements and procedures for the definition of a common grazing area, prohibition of use of animal feeds mixed with hormones and antibiotics, distribution of veterinary drugs, domestic veterinary medicine production, import and distribution of veterinary drugs, veterinary drugs issuance and control; 6) agricultural information system, concerning processing, analysing, storing, presenting and dissemination of data on agricultural cultivation sustainable system; 7) other and transitional provisions.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation comes into force on February 2, 2021.
Serial Imprint
State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia no. 36 of 2021.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment