Decree No. 942 of 2003 to regulate fishing for capelin in Greenland, Iceland and Jan Mayen in the season 2003-2004.
Type of law
This Decree prohibits in principle fishing by Norwegian vessels for capelin in the North East Atlantic. Notwithstanding the prohibition vessels of Norway with a purse seine licence may catch 83.282 tons of capelin in the Fisheries zone of Jan Mayen, and in areas of the Fisheries Zones of Greenland and Iceland north of 64 30 N. Of this amount maximum 35.892 tons may be caught in the Icelandic economic zone, 69.300 in the fisheries zone of Greenland and 62.600 in the fisheries zone of Jan Mayen. Section 6 specifies basic single catch quotas based on the size of the participating vessel. The Fisheries Directorate may order a stop on fishing once the maximum allowable catch is reached (sect. 8). Section 9 gives power to the Directorate of Fisheries to cancel all vessel quotas after 10 August 2002. Remaining provisions concern bycatch, redistribution of quotas, blocking of fishing areas, further regulation, and offences. (14 sections)
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Enters in force immediately.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment