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Decree Law No. 77/2021 on governance of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and initial measures to strengthen administrative structures and speed up and streamline procedures.

Type of law
Date of original text

The Decree Law is organized in 2 Parts. Part 1 lays down the governance system for the implementation of the PNRR; this include monitoring and control, powers, and financial procedures. Part 2 contains provisions for speeding up, streamlining and strengthening administrative capacity and procedures.
Under Part 2, Heading I contains provisions aimed at facilitating the ecological transition and the implementation of PNRR projects; amendments are made to the Legislative Decree 152/2006 in the section that regulates environmental impact assessment (EIA at state and regional level), in particular a new technical Commission is establish (Commissione Tecnica PNRR-PNIEC). Other amendments include: EIA monitoring competence, strategic environmental assessment, renewable energy procedures are streamlined (biogas, solar power, hydropower), energy efficiency, incentives and simplifications to promote circular economy (mountain areas and forestry) and to deal with flooding/droughts. Heading II focuses on digital transformation. Art. 47 in order to pursue goals relating to equal opportunities, both generational and gender, and to promote the employment inclusion of disabled people, establishes certain composition requisites and requirements for businesses that apply for PNRR projects funds. Art. 47 bis establishes a gender-balance principle for public Authorities newly established by Decree Law No. 77/2021.
Date of consolidation/reprint
The Decree Law has been amended and implemented by law of conversion 29 July 2021, no. 108.
Serial Imprint
Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana No. 181 of 07 July 2021.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Decreto-legge 31 maggio 2021, n. 77 Governance del Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza e prime misure di rafforzamento delle strutture amministrative e di accelerazione e snellimento delle procedure.