Decree No. 173 establishing the procedures and technical criteria for the disposal of dredged materials at sea.
Type of law
This Decree provides procedures and technical standards for the disposal at sea of excavated materials from the seabed, beach nourishment and filling in confined disposal facilities. Article 1 lists operations outside the scope of the regulation for which no authorization is required, including: the movement of dredged material within a port and the movement of materials linked to the disposal of material at sea pursuant to article 109 of the Code on the Environment; the restoration of shorelines, meaning activities that take place within the same site according to a seasonal cycle (or after a storm) and consist of levelling surfaces by the shedding and redistribution of accumulated sediment that require the movement of less than 20 cubic metres of sediment per linear metre of beach; and the movement of sediments within a site linked to the disposal at sea of inert materials, inorganic geological material or artefacts, where environmentally compatible.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana No. 208, 6 September 2016.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Decreto n. 173: Regolamento recante modalit e criteri tecnici per l'autorizzazione all'immersione in mare dei materiali di escavo di fondali marini.