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Legislative Decree No. 105 implementing EEC Directive No. 777/80 on the use and trade of natural mineral waters.

Type of law


The Decree provides the definition and the geological, physical, clinical and microbiological characteristics of mineral waters. Within 8 months of the entry into force of the Decree the criteria and parameters for the evaluation of said characteristics shall be specified by Decree of the Ministry of Health. On the basis of the analysis of the quality of water and other information established in article 3, the Ministry of Health shall enact a decree for the official recognition of the name, properties and other characteristics of the water. The authorization to the utilization of the spring shall be issued by the regional authority, prior verification of the equipment employed, the safety of tanks, the hygienic conditions of cleaning and bottling plants, etc. The Decree describes also the water treatments that are allowed or forbidden and establishes in details the information to be provided in the labels. Further provisions concern the import of mineral waters from member countries and the control of the utilization and trade of water according to the provisions of Act of 30 April 1962, No. 283 on the production and placing on the market of food and beverages. The present Decree does not apply to the natural mineral waters destined to the export to third countries.
Date of text
This Decree has been repealed with Ministerial Decree 27 November 1998.
Serial Imprint
Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana No. 39, 17 February 1992.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment