Legislative Decree No. 339 implementing EC Directive No. 96/70 and modifying Legislative Decree No. 105 of 25 January 1992 on natural mineral waters.
Type of law
Provisions on validity of the certification, on the treatment that natural mineral water in its state at source, may not be the subject, on labelling, are hereby amended. On the basis of the analysis of the quality of water and other information established under article 2, the Ministry of Health shall enact a decree for the official recognition of the name, properties and other characteristics of the water. The regional authority shall issue the authorization to the utilization of the spring, prior verification of the equipment employed the safety of tanks, the hygienic conditions of cleaning and bottling plants, etc. The Decree provides also on the water treatments that are allowed or forbidden and the information to be provided on the labels. Article 10 sets that where a Member State has detailed grounds for considering that a natural mineral water complies with the standards required the trade and import in the Italian Republic is allowed. (18 articles)
Attached files
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana No. 231, 1 October 1999.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment