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Legislative Decree No. 28 implementing Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.

Type of law

This Legislative Decree sets out a regulatory framework for the promotion of energy from renewable sources, which include wind, solar, aerothermal, geothermal, hydrothermal and ocean energy, hydropower, biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas and biogases. The national target for the overall share of energy from renewable sources to be attained by 2020 is 17 percent. Title II regulates the procedures to be followed for authorizing the establishment and functioning of installations producing energy from renewable sources.
Date of text
The Legislative Decree entered into force on 29 March 2011.
Serial Imprint
Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana No. 71, 28 March 2011.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Decreto Legislativo n. 28: Attuazione della direttiva 2009/28/CE sulla promozione dell'uso dell'energia da fonti rinnovabili, recante modifica e successiva abrogazione delle direttive 2001/77/CE e 2003/30/CE.