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Regional Act No. 10 regulating the content and procedures of Evironmental Impact Assessment.

Type of law
Date of original text


In compliance with the provisions laid down at Community level (Directive 85/337/EEC) and at national level (Presidential Decree of 16 April 1996), this Regional Act regulates the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure to be followed prior to the approval and, hence, realization of those projects listed out in the Annexes attached, such as operation of waste management plants, quarrying, construction of dams, production of pesticides. The EIA procedure aims, inter alia, at: (a) protecting human health and improving the quality of life; (b) preserving biodiversity and ecosystems; (c) identifying and valuating possible alternatives to the projects concerned. Article 4 specifies the institutions which shall be competent in the field. Articles 5 and 6 provide for the establishment of the Regional EIA Commission and the Provincial EIA Commissions respectively. Chapter III of the Act describes in detail the procedure to be followed, covering the impact assessment study (art. 9), the submission of the application (art. 10), request of advices to the competent imstitutions (arts. 17 and 18). Chapter IV deals with particular EIA procedures to be followed in respect of projects that might have interregional or transboundary effects.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Legge Regionale n. 10: Disciplina dei contenuti e delle procedure di Valutazione d'Impatto Ambientale.