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Regional Act No. 7 laying down rules on the regional interventions in the agricultural sector.

Type of law

This Regional Act makes provisions for the improvement of the economy related to the agricultural, agroindustrial and sylvo-pastoral system of the Lombardia Region. It is divided into five Titles aimed at: a) guaranteeing the protection of consumers; b) ensuring the safety and the quality of agricultural products; c) supporting rural development; d) improving environmental resources; e) ensuring the development of rural activities and of agricultural enterprises in mountain areas and other less-favoured areas; f) promoting typical products. The Region as well as the Provinces, Mountain Communities and other local authorities shall endeavour to achieve the above-mentioned purposes, in accordance with their competences, laid down in Regional Act No. 11 of 4 July 1998. The Region and the Provinces shall elaborate annual schemes on the interventions to be carried out and the allocation of financial resources. Article 2 provides for the establishment of the regional register for the agricultural and sylvo-pastoral enterprises operating in the agroindustrial, forestry and fishery sectors. Article 4 defines the different types of interventions aimed at developing the primary sector (among others, the promotion of agricultural techniques compatible with the protection of the environment; afforestation; the development of installations intended for wild fauna breeding, aquaculture and agriculture). In accordance with article 5, the regional authority shall recognize farmers' associations. Article 7 establishes the Regional Guarantor, who is in charge of the protection of consumers.
Title III regulates the initiatives concerning mountain areas and the sylvo-pastoral sector. Article 23 defines the regional interventions intended for supporting agriculture in mountain areas. Article 24 refers to interventions in case of natural disasters. Title IV regulates the financial resources to be elaborated and the procedures to be followed.
Date of text
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment