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Rural Development Plan of the Tuscany Region, 2000-2006

Type of law

This Plan was adopted by the Regional Council to promote rural development in the Tuscany Region. It consists of two Titles and six Annexes. Title I contains an overview as regards rural areas in Tuscany, taking into particular account opportunities and challenges as well as potential and constraints of such rural areas; Title II describes with details the interventions to be undertaken. The latter is divided into four Parts, as follows: (1) Rural development measures (i.e. investments on agricultural enterprises, training, improvement of agricultural products transformation and marketing conditions, sylviculture); (2) Competent authorities and responsible organisms; (3) Implementation, monitoring, assessment and control (including penalties); (4) Consultation.
Annex I lays down general principles of agricultural practice referring separately and with details to different types of cultures, namely herbaceous, plants, fruits, olive, vine, floriculture, officinal plants. Annex II, on the other side, establishes general principles applicable to integrated agricultural production. Annex II deals with the impact that the agro-environmental measures provided for in the Plan may have on agricultural enterprises. Annex IV is devoted to the market outlet of particular agricultural products originating in the Tuscany Region, namely flowers, cereals, plants, fruits, olive oil, wine, milk and derivatives, meat and other zootechnical produces. Annex VI describes the legislative framework relating to minimum requirements in matter of animal welfare and hygiene.
The document s purpose is to make agriculture more productive and sustainable. To this regard, the Plan s objectives are aimed at: 1) supporting the improvement of company competitiveness, agricultural income and quality productions; 2) supporting maintenance and improvement of environmental quality and rural areas landscape; 3) facilitating access and supporting exploitation of rural areas in terms of work and living opportunities. Specific agroecology interventions are contained under Measure 6.
The Plan aims as well at reducing rural poverty by promoting youth rural employment (Measure 2 outlines aid, beneficiaries, and methodologies of intervention) setting specific interventions of support (Measure 4: preretirement, Measure 5: support for farmers in less advantaged areas).
The instrument seeks as well to enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems. Specific measures promote training and education and private sector investment in transformational activities such as infrastructure provision and management, innovation and improved agricultural markets. Innovation and extension shall be strengthened.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Serial Imprint
Bollettino Ufficiale della Regione Toscana No. 46, 15 November 2000.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Piano delle Sviluppo rurale della Regione Toscana 2000-2006.