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Seeds and Plant Varieties Act 1972 (Cap. 326).

Type of law
Date of original text

The Act makes provision for various matters relating to plant propagating material and plant breeders rights.
It consists of 35 sections divided into 7 Parts: Preliminary (I); Seeds (II); Seed testing (III); Control of imports and prevention of cross-pollination (IV); Plant Breeder s rights (V); The Seeds and Plants Tribunal (VI); General (VII).
Regulation making powers of the Minister responsible for agriculture in relation to planting material ( seeds ) are defined in section 3. Section 4 defines the civil liability of sellers of such material. The Minister shall cause an index of plant varieties to be prepared (sect. 7); restrictions are placed on the sale on unindexed plant varieties (sect. 8). New plant varieties that belong to classes prescribed by the Minister under section 9 shall not be placed on the market before they have been submitted for performance trails and reports. The Minister shall establish seed testing stations under section 11. Section 15 (Part IV) concerns control of importation of potentially deleterious seeds. Plant breeder s rights may be granted in accordance with provisions of Part V in respect of plant varieties of such species or groups as specified in a scheme made by the Minister (sect. 17). Section 18 sets out the conditions for the granting of plant breeder s rights by an officer authorized for this purpose by the Minister. Section 20 defines the nature of the rights granted. The holder of a plant breeder s right has the obligation to stock the market with propagating material at a reasonable price and may grant licenses for this purpose (sect. 23). A Seeds and Plants Tribunal is established under section 28. Jurisdiction of the Tribunal is defined in section 29. (completed by 6 Schedules)
Long title of text
An Act of Parliament to confer power to regulate transactions in seeds, including provision for the testing and certification of seeds; for the establishment of an index of names of plant varieties; to empower the imposition of restriction on the introduction of new varieties; to control the importation of seeds; to authorize measures to prevent injurious cross-pollination; to provide for the grant of proprietary rights to persons breeding or discovering new varieties; to establish a Tribunal to hear appeals and other proceedings; and for connected purposes.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Consolidated version of 2012 of the Act as last amended by Act No. 2 of 2002.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Implemented by