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Cabinet Regulation No. 221 of 2017 on Procedures by which Contributions are Made in Energy Efficiency Funds, and their Amount, as well as the Use of the Resources of the Energy Efficiency Fund

Type of law

The Regulation prescribes the procedures by which an obligated party of the energy efficiency obligation scheme shall make a contribution in the State or local government Energy Efficiency Fund in accordance with the scope of final energy consumption savings obligation determined for it for the achievement of the mandatory energy savings target; the amount of contributions of the obligated party in the State or local government Energy Efficiency Fund; and the procedures by which akciju sabiedr ba Att st bas finan u instit cija Altum [joint stock company Development Finance Institution Altum] shall use the resources of the State Energy Efficiency Fund and provide a report on the use thereof.
Date of text
The Latvian version of this Regulation is consolidated as at 10 December 2019.
Serial Imprint
Latvijas V stnesis, 86, 02.05.2017.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr. 221 2017.gada Noteikumi par k rt bu, k d tiek veiktas iemaksas energoefektivit tes fondos, un to apm ru, k ar energoefektivit tes fonda l dzek u izmanto anu