Cabinet Regulation No. 319 of 2007 on Manufacture and Control of Veterinary Medicinal Products, the Procedure for the Issuance of a Good Manufacturing Practice Certificate to a Manufacturer of Veterinary Medicinal Products and Regarding the Requirements for the Qualification and Professional Experience of the Official Responsible for the Manufacture of Veterinary Medicinal Products
Type of law
Date of original text
This Regulation prescribes the procedure for the manufacture and control of veterinary medicinal products, the procedure for the issuance of a good manufacturing practice certificate to a manufacturer of veterinary medicinal products and regarding the requirements for the qualification and professional experience of the official responsible for the manufacture of veterinary medicinal products.
Attached files
Web site
Date of consolidation/reprint
Serial Imprint
Latvijas V stnesis, 79 (3655), 17.05.2007
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.319 2007 gada "Noteikumi par veterin ro z u ra o anu un kontroli, k rt bu, k d veterin ro z u ra ot jam izsniedz labas ra o anas prakses sertifik tu, un par veterin ro z u ra o anu atbild g s amatpersonas kvalifik cijas un profesion l s pieredzes pras b m"