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Marine Environment Protection and Management Law (2010)

Type of law
Date of original text

The Law determines principles for the protection and management of the marine environment of Latvia in order to achieve and preserve good marine environmental status; facilitate sustainable use of the sea and marine ecosystem; promote integration of the environmental protection requirements and measures necessary for achievement of good marine environmental status in the policy planning documents and laws and regulations of those fields which affect marine environment; and facilitate achievement of the objectives of marine environment protection and preservation and sustainable use of marine resources laid down in the international agreements binding on Latvia. The Law determines the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone of Latvia, as well as sovereign rights and jurisdiction in the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone thereof, taking into account the provisions of the international agreements; procedures by which Latvia must co-operate with other countries in the Baltic Sea region, i.e., in the region the boundaries of which are determined in Article 1 of the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (Helsinki Convention), in the drawing up and implementation of the marine strategy; procedures by which the marine strategy must be drawn up and implemented, taking into account ecosystem approach and general environmental protection principles, as well as possible transboundary impact on the marine environmental status in the Baltic Sea region; and the rights and obligations of the sea users. The Law does not however apply for the activities which are performed in the sea within the framework of the state defence or state security safeguarding. Such activities must be performed in the sea taking into account the purpose of this Law as possible.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment