Law No. 211 On the protection of animals used for experimental or other scientific purposes .
Type of law
The scope of this Law shall be protection of animals used for experimental or other scientific purposes. The provisions of this Law shall apply: (a) when animals are used or intended to be used in experiments or when they are raised specifically for the purpose of their organs or tissues being used for scientific purposes; (b) until the animals referred to in this Part have been killed, relocated or returned to a suitable habitat or housing system; (c) in the case of live vertebrates (other than humans), including self-feeding larval forms and germ forms of mammals from the last trimester of normal development, as well as live cephalopods; (d) in the case of animals at an earlier stage of development than specified in paragraph (c) if the animal is left alive after this stage and is likely to experience pain, suffering, stress, or long-term damage as a result of the experiments the nature of the situation when the appropriate stage of development is reached. The principle of substitution, reduction and improvement of breeding conditions, animal husbandry and care in experiments: (a) instead of experimenting, a scientifically appropriate test method or strategy that does not require the use of live animals is used; (b) the number of animals used in projects for experimental purposes shall be kept to a minimum without prejudice to the objectives of the project; (c) all measures shall be taken to improve the breeding, care and maintenance of animals and the methods used in the experiments by eliminating or minimizing any possibility of causing pain, suffering, stress or long-term damage to animals. Experiments may be carried out only for the following purposes: (a) basic research; (b) translational or applied research; (c) development, production and testing of the quality, efficacy and safety of drugs, food and feed and other substances or products for any of the purposes specified in paragraph (b); (d) protection of the environment in the interest of human or animal health or welfare; (e) research aimed at the conservation and regeneration of species; (f) higher education or vocational training for the purpose of acquisition, conservation and improvement of professional skills; and (g) forensic medical research. Restrictions shall be applicable to the use of endangered animal species in experiments. Animals may only be used in experiments if they have been raised and kept for this purpose. The elimination of any pain or suffering identified shall be carried out as soon as possible by an authorized veterinarian. It is forbidden to use in experiments any stray, homeless and wild animals of domesticated species. The killing of animals should only be carried out using methods that cause a minimum of pain, suffering or stress. This Law consists of V Chapters divided into 42 Articles. Chapter I lays down general provisions. Chapter II regards the use for experiments of some animal species. Chapter III deals with experiments. Chapter IV establishes requirements for breeders, suppliers and user of animal species for experimental and scientific research purposes. Chapter V lays down final and transitional provisions.
Attached files
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Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Law enters into force 12 months after the date of its official publication.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Nr. 211 19.10.2017 , .