Law No. LP183/2020 On subsidized insurance in agriculture . 11 Sep 2020 | Republic of Moldova Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: mol212066.pdf
Law on Natural Resources (No. 1102-XIII). 03 Jun 1997 | Republic of Moldova Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Levies, Taxes, Polymer degradation Download: mol9839original.pdf
Law on environmental protection. 17 Jun 1993 | Republic of Moldova Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Impacts, Waste, Waste management Download: mol9888original.pdf
Water Code. 22 Jun 1993 | Republic of Moldova Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Circular economy, Waste Download: mol9890.pdf
Land Code of the Republic of Moldova. 25 Dec 1991 | Republic of Moldova Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Certification, Impacts, Taxes Download: mol9809original.pdf
Law on Privatisation of 1991. 04 Jul 1991 | Republic of Moldova Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Circular economy, Taxes Download: mol10035.pdf
Decree on the Procedures for Implementing the Law on Privatisation of 1992. 04 Jul 1991 | Republic of Moldova Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: mol10037.pdf
Law on Property. 01 Jan 1900 | Republic of Moldova Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Fines, Circular economy Download: mol10044.pdf
Law on Peasant Farms (No. 841-XII of 1982). 01 Jan 1992 | Republic of Moldova Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Polymer degradation, Taxes, Polystyrene Download: mol10094.pdf
Accord de commerce et de coop ration conomique entre la Conf d ration suisse et la R publique de Moldova. 30 Nov 1995 | Switzerland Republic of Moldova Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Keywords: Taxes, Consultations Download: bi-9749.pdf