Law No. 86 On environmental impact assessment .
Type of law
Date of original text
The scope of this Law shall be setting forth legal basis for the functioning of the mechanism of environmental impact assessment of some public and private projects or some projected economic activities with a view of prevention or reduction of negative environmental impact and protection of public health at the initial stages of project performance. EIA shall be performed in accordance with the following principles: (a) preventive actions; (b) reliability and completeness of information; (c) transparency and accessibility; (d) public participation; (e) risk assessment; and (f) polluter pays. This Law contains VII Chapters divided into 29 Articles. Chapter I lays down general provisions. Chapter II regards preliminary estimate of planned activities. Chapter III establishes environmental impact assessment procedure. Chapter IV establishes transboundary environmental impact assessment procedure, if the origin thereof is the Republic of Moldova. Chapter V establishes environmental impact assessment procedure if the affected party is the Republic of Moldova. Chapter VI is repealed. Chapter VII regards approval of the development of planned activities, establishes liability and the procedure of appeal. Chapter VIII lays down final and transitional provisions.
Attached files
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Date of consolidation/reprint
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Law enters into force six months after the date of its official publication.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Republica Moldova PARLAMENTUL LEGE Nr. LP86/2014 din 29.05.2014 privind evaluarea impactului asupra mediului*.