Ministerial Decree No. 760 validating the Regulation on production of wines and liquors with the appellation of origin.
Type of law
Date of original text
This Ministerial Decree establishes and classifies basic requirements for grape wines with the appellation of origin, the modalities of selection of vinelands, assessment thereof, validation of wines, legalization and quality control that shall be compulsory for all producers of wines and liquors. Wine shall be assigned the appellation of origin in conformity with: (a) natural factors such as climate, terrain, soil and plant variety of vine; and (b) man s impact such as the use of vine processing technologies and techniques. Wines shall be assigned the appellation of origin on the following conditions: (a) vine must comply with technical requirements; (b) production process must comply with technical requirements; and (c) organoleptical qualities of wine are much higher than those of the common wine. Label of wines with the appellation of origin must bear the inscription VDO and VDOC and specify the place of origin.
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Date of consolidation/reprint
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Original title
O Nr.760 10.11.95