National Waste Management Program for the period of 2022-2027.
Type of law
The National Waste Management Program for the period of 2022-2027 is developed in order to implement the Government's Action with a view of contribution to the achievement of the objective which consists in the development by 2027 of an integrated waste management system, efficient from an economic point of view and which ensures the fundamental right to a healthy and safe environment and the achievement of the main indicators of sustainable development, included in the Moldova 2030 National Development Strategy. The problem of waste management in the Republic of Moldova represents a combination of the waste management system inherited from the Soviet era and the challenges associated with the transition to a market economy, which must be overcome to meet today's needs.
The hierarchy of the most efficient waste management options represents a simplified conceptual framework, which provides: (a) prevention of waste production; (b) preparation for reuse; (c) recycling; (d) materials recovery; (e) other recovery; and (f) disposal. The policy in the field of waste management consists in the development of the necessary infrastructure and services to adequately protect the environment at the global, national and local level from the effects associated with the management of waste generated by citizens, businesses and institutions.
The transformation of waste into resources is one of the main elements underlying the circular economy, and in establishing the strategic directions of the Program, the priorities of existing policies are taken into account, some of them such as the promotion of energy production from renewable sources (solar, wind and biomass) and energy efficiency, the regulation of the use of plastic bags, the implementation of extended producer responsibility being transposed into the national legislation in force, others, such as the application of cleaner production and consumption models durable; the introduction of eco-innovations in technological processes; pollution prevention, waste generation reduction are to be taken over soon.
The main environmental problems associated with waste management, including its disposal, lead to a direct impact on the environment, such as water, soil, air pollution caused by environmentally unfriendly waste management, together with GHG emissions that impact on changes climate, negative effects on human health, biodiversity. Failure to respect the principles of circularity in waste management can also cause depletion of natural resources.
The implementation of the National Waste Management Program for the period of 2022-2027 will contribute to waste management, pollution prevention, GHG emission reduction and supporting the implementation commitment in the Nationally Determined Contribution (Paris Agreement) and will reduce the risk of negative impact of waste on public health and environment. Adopting new principles for the transition to a circular economy is a priority in increasing resource and energy efficiency, while putting in the application of the waste prevention measure and the implementation of the enterprise resource planning (EPR) scheme will lead to the decoupling of economic growth from the use of natural resources, promoting the greening of the economy, by increasing its competitiveness, all of which will help the country achieve the objectives of the Moldova 2030 National Strategic Development Agenda. The application of economic measures (for example, a tax on waste disposed of in landfills), the development of selective waste collection systems and the establishment of waste recycling and recovery infrastructure will allow the creation of an efficient waste management system based on the hierarchy of priorities of waste prevention and management and achieving the objectives of this Program. Development of an integrated waste management system by encouraging the prevention or reduction of the amount of waste generated and reducing its hazard represents a great opportunity.
The hierarchy of the most efficient waste management options represents a simplified conceptual framework, which provides: (a) prevention of waste production; (b) preparation for reuse; (c) recycling; (d) materials recovery; (e) other recovery; and (f) disposal. The policy in the field of waste management consists in the development of the necessary infrastructure and services to adequately protect the environment at the global, national and local level from the effects associated with the management of waste generated by citizens, businesses and institutions.
The transformation of waste into resources is one of the main elements underlying the circular economy, and in establishing the strategic directions of the Program, the priorities of existing policies are taken into account, some of them such as the promotion of energy production from renewable sources (solar, wind and biomass) and energy efficiency, the regulation of the use of plastic bags, the implementation of extended producer responsibility being transposed into the national legislation in force, others, such as the application of cleaner production and consumption models durable; the introduction of eco-innovations in technological processes; pollution prevention, waste generation reduction are to be taken over soon.
The main environmental problems associated with waste management, including its disposal, lead to a direct impact on the environment, such as water, soil, air pollution caused by environmentally unfriendly waste management, together with GHG emissions that impact on changes climate, negative effects on human health, biodiversity. Failure to respect the principles of circularity in waste management can also cause depletion of natural resources.
The implementation of the National Waste Management Program for the period of 2022-2027 will contribute to waste management, pollution prevention, GHG emission reduction and supporting the implementation commitment in the Nationally Determined Contribution (Paris Agreement) and will reduce the risk of negative impact of waste on public health and environment. Adopting new principles for the transition to a circular economy is a priority in increasing resource and energy efficiency, while putting in the application of the waste prevention measure and the implementation of the enterprise resource planning (EPR) scheme will lead to the decoupling of economic growth from the use of natural resources, promoting the greening of the economy, by increasing its competitiveness, all of which will help the country achieve the objectives of the Moldova 2030 National Strategic Development Agenda. The application of economic measures (for example, a tax on waste disposed of in landfills), the development of selective waste collection systems and the establishment of waste recycling and recovery infrastructure will allow the creation of an efficient waste management system based on the hierarchy of priorities of waste prevention and management and achieving the objectives of this Program. Development of an integrated waste management system by encouraging the prevention or reduction of the amount of waste generated and reducing its hazard represents a great opportunity.
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
PROGRAM NA IONAL pentru gestionarea de eurilor pentru anii 2022-2027.