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Law on protection of the marine environment.

Type of law

The protection of the marine environment is realized in the manner determined by this Law and the Convention on protection of the marine environment and the coastal area of the Mediterranean. The marine environment is an area of open sea, estuaries, coastal area, including internal sea waters, territorial sea under the sovereignty of Montenegro, including its seabed and the seabed that represents the living space of organisms and theirs habitats. The protection of the marine environment is carried out for the purpose of: 1) protection, preservation, rehabilitation and valorization and, where possible, restoration of the structure and functions of marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity protection; 2) conservation of protected areas in the sea and ecologically significant areas within the network Natura 2000; 3) prevention, when possible reduction of pollution of marine environment and coastal area, in a way that ensures the reduction of negatives impacts or risks to human health and/or biodiversity and ecosystem health and/or use of the sea and coasts in accordance with the law; 4) preservation, improvement and/or restoration of human balance activities and natural resources in the sea and coastal area; 5) preservation of the sea and coastal area for the benefit of present and future generations; 6) sustainable use of natural resources in the sea and coastal area, especially space, sea and inland waters; 7) preservation of the integrity of coastal ecosystems, landscapes and geomorphology; 8) prevention and/or mitigation of the effects of natural phenomena, especially climate change, which may be caused by natural or human activities; 9) harmonization of public and private needs and decisions at the state and local level, which affect the use of marine and coastal areas. The protection of the marine environment is achieved on the basis of the Strategy for the Protection of the Marine Environment, which shall be adopted by the Government of Montenegro for a period of at least ten years, at the proposal of the state administration body responsible for environmental protection. The strategy must be based on an ecosystem approach in human management activities, as well as on the principles of integrated coastal zone management, taking into account transboundary impacts on the quality of the marine environment of other countries in the marine region, i.e. marine subregion.
The text is divided into seven thematic Chapters, as follows: I. General provisions; II. Marine environmental protection documents; III. Monitoring the state of the marine environment; IV. Strategy audit, reporting and public information; V. Financing of marine environmental protection; VI. Supervision; VII. Transitional and final provisions. This text further transposes the provisions contained in the Directive 2008/56/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy (Marine Strategy Framework Directive).
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This text entered into force eight days after its publication in the Official Gazette.
Publication reference
Official Gazette of Montenegro 73/2019
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Zakona o za titi morske sredine.