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Regulation on contents of the list of active authorized substances that are used in plant protection products.

Type of law

This Regulation determines the data and codified data contents that have to be inserted into the sheet or list that declares the presence of certain active authorized substances that are used in plant protection products.
This sort of list or accompanying sheet shall contain the following information: ordinal number; name of the active substance in both Montenegrin and English language; identification number expressed in abbreviations (adopted codified standards of Chemical Abstracts Service and CIPAC-Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council); IUPAC name (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry-International); the purpose of that active substance expressed in abbreviations (such as FU for fungicides, IN for insecticides, HB for herbicides, RE for repellents, RO for rodenticides, AC for acaricides, PG for growth regulators, NO for nematocides, MO for molluscicides, PA for plant activators, OT for other treatments); approval period; and other eventiual notes or recoand ations.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation enters into force eighth days after its publication in the Official Gazette.
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the of Montenegro 12/2019
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Pravilnik o sadr aju liste aktivnih supstanci dozvoljenih za upotrebu u sredstvima za za titu bilja.