Regulation on the National Plan for the sustainable use of plant protection products.
Type of law
This Regulation officially brought into force the Montenegrin National Plan for the sustainable use of plant protection products (that sets out concrete objectives, measures, indicators and deadlines; and further defines the activities aimed to reduce the risks and negative effects of plant protection products to the/on human health and environment) and refers only to the pesticides whose active substances are approved on the territory of the European Union.
The complete text of the above mentioned Plan is an integral part of this publication.
The complete text of the above mentioned Plan is an integral part of this publication.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation enters into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Publication reference
(Official Gazette 57/2016)
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Nacionalni plan za odr ivu upotrebu sredstava za za titu bilja.