Company Cora v Malagasy State 04 Apr 2001 | Madagascar | Supreme Court National - higher court Madagascar%20Supreme.pdf
Decision on the Law n°2004-015 modifying and completing provision on the Law n°90-033 on the Charter for the Environment in Madagascar and the Law n°97-012 11 Aug 2004 | Madagascar | Haute Cour constitutionelle National - higher court Madagascar%2C%20Cons.pdf
Decision on the Law n°2005-018 on the International Trade of Species of Fauna and Flora 07 Oct 2005 | Madagascar | Haute Cour constitutionelle National - higher court Madagascar%20Constit.pdf
Ms Raholivelo Simone O. and Ratsimaholison Jeanine P. v Malagasy State 01 Jun 1983 | Madagascar | Cour Supreme National - higher court Madagascar%20Supreme.pdf
Decision on the Law n°2004-037 authorising ratification of the 1973 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution form Ships (MARPOL 73/78) and its Annexes 27 Sep 2004 | Madagascar | Haute Cour Constitutionnelle National - higher court Link to full text