Styrofoam and Plastic Products Prohibition Act 01 Jan 2016 | Marshall Islands Legislation Legislation Download: styrofoamandplasticproductsprohibitionact2016.pdf
Joint Venture Agreement dated 3 February 1992 between Liepaya Ocean-Going Fishing Fleet Base (LOGFFB), a Latvian Corporation, and Latstar Lines Ltd. (LATSTAR), a Marshall Islands Corporation. 03 Feb 1992 | Latvia Marshall Islands Legislation Miscellaneous FAOLEX Download: bi-13717.pdf
Constitution of the Marshall Islands. 01 Jan 1979 | Marshall Islands Legislation Constitution FAOLEX Download: mas129976.pdf
Traditional Rights Court Rules of Procedure 2006. 31 Aug 2006 | Marshall Islands Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: mas83905.pdf
Tile Til Eo 2050 climate strategy "Lighting the way". 01 Sep 2018 | Marshall Islands Legislation Policy FAOLEX Download: mas181094.pdf
Title 51 (Fisheries) Amendment Act, 2011 (P.L. 2011 - 103). 17 Oct 2011 | Marshall Islands Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: mas155685.pdf
Marine Resources (Trochus) Act 1983 (Public Law 1983-15). 11 Feb 1983 | Marshall Islands Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Enforcement Download: mas5199.pdf
Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority Act 1988. 28 Mar 1988 | Marshall Islands Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Fines, Enforcement, Fishing gear Download: mas5201.pdf
Rules and Regulations on Foreign Fishing Agreements and Fish Processing Establishments. Marshall Islands Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Keywords: Fines, Fishing gear Download: mas5192.pdf
Environment (Paragraph 30 relating to fisheries only). 01 Jan 1989 | Marshall Islands Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Consultations, Fines, Impacts, Pollutants, Waste, Taxes, Enforcement Download: mas5193.pdf