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Farm Animals (Protection) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022. (L.N. 187 of 2022).

Type of law

These Regulations amend the Farm Animals (Protection) Regulations (the principal regulations).
In particular they amend sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 1 of the Principal Regulations by substituting the title which reads, in the new version, as Farm Animals (Protection) and Inspection of Holdings Regulations; also sub-regulation (3) is substituted to reflect compliance with EU Legislation concerning veterinary rules; sub-regulation (4) is also substituted: it establishes that the scope of the regulations is to implement the provisions of the EU Council Directive 98/58/EC concerning the protection of animals kept for farming purposes and to implement EU legislations as regards the standard model form to be used in the annual reports submitted by Member States.
Regulation 2, concerning the interpretation of the text, is modified to set new definitions.
Regulation 3 is reworded and a Regulation 3A is added to prohibit force feeding of birds and farming of animals for their fur.
Regulation 4 is also amended: it establishes that Veterinary Services ensure that owners and keepers are following the conditions under which animals are bred or kept, having regard to all their specific needs, as established experience and scientific knowledge.
Regulation 6A is added, after Regulation 6, which foresees the submission, by the Veterinary Services, of a report including the results of the inspections carried out in the field of the protection of animals kept for farming purposes.
Subregulation 3 is added after sub-regulation (2) of regulation 8 of the principal regulations foreseeing the possibility, where the Director has reasonable cause to believe that an offence against these regulations has been committed, to impose an administrative penalty under article 47 of the Act,
Finally, item 19 of the Schedule to the principal regulations is amended to establish that mutilations for non-therapeutic reasons are forbidden on animals breed in the territory of Malta.
Date of text
Publication reference
Government Gazette of Malta No. 20,879 21.06.2022
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment