Seeds and Planting Material Act.
Type of law
Date of original text
An Act to provide for proprietary rights relating to and trade in plants or parts thereof that are intended for cultivation by planting or sowing or by any other means ("plant propagating material"), and for matters related therewith.
The Act is divided into 9 Chapters: Definitions (I); The Netherlands Register of Varieties and the Board for Plant Breeders' Rights (II); The entry of varieties in the Netherlands Register of Varieties (III); The plant breeder's right (IV); Lists of varieties (V); Trade in propagating material and testing institutions (VI); Consultations with trade and industry (VII); Penal provisions (VIII); Transitional and final provisions (IX).
Chapter IV is divided into 6 Parts: The Entitlement to the Plant Breeder's Right (1); The Granting of the Plant Breeder's Right (2); Rights and Obligations of the Holder of a Plant Breeder's Right (3); The Plant Breeder's Right as Part of the Breeder's Property (4); Duration and Claiming of the Plant Breeder's Right (5); Decisions of the Board, Appeals to the Board and Appeals to the Court of Justice at the Hague (6); Making and Publishing the Registrations and Entries in the Netherlands Register of Varieties (7).
There shall be a public register, named the Netherlands Register of Varieties, for the purpose of entering therein groups of plants for which it has been established that they constitute varieties (sect. 4). The Board for Plant Breeders' Rights established under section 5, shall enter varieties that qualify under section 18 in the Register by recording the description characterising the variety, determined by the Board, and its denomination. An application for a plant breeder's right shall be addressed to the Board and the right shall be granted by the Board (sect. 35). A List of Varieties shall be kept for the cultivated species or groups of cultivated species to be designated, in which shall be entered the varieties and other groups of plants which belong to those cultivated species and whose growing in the Netherlands is deemed important by a committee to be set up or by an institution to be designated (sect. 73).
The Act is divided into 9 Chapters: Definitions (I); The Netherlands Register of Varieties and the Board for Plant Breeders' Rights (II); The entry of varieties in the Netherlands Register of Varieties (III); The plant breeder's right (IV); Lists of varieties (V); Trade in propagating material and testing institutions (VI); Consultations with trade and industry (VII); Penal provisions (VIII); Transitional and final provisions (IX).
Chapter IV is divided into 6 Parts: The Entitlement to the Plant Breeder's Right (1); The Granting of the Plant Breeder's Right (2); Rights and Obligations of the Holder of a Plant Breeder's Right (3); The Plant Breeder's Right as Part of the Breeder's Property (4); Duration and Claiming of the Plant Breeder's Right (5); Decisions of the Board, Appeals to the Board and Appeals to the Court of Justice at the Hague (6); Making and Publishing the Registrations and Entries in the Netherlands Register of Varieties (7).
There shall be a public register, named the Netherlands Register of Varieties, for the purpose of entering therein groups of plants for which it has been established that they constitute varieties (sect. 4). The Board for Plant Breeders' Rights established under section 5, shall enter varieties that qualify under section 18 in the Register by recording the description characterising the variety, determined by the Board, and its denomination. An application for a plant breeder's right shall be addressed to the Board and the right shall be granted by the Board (sect. 35). A List of Varieties shall be kept for the cultivated species or groups of cultivated species to be designated, in which shall be entered the varieties and other groups of plants which belong to those cultivated species and whose growing in the Netherlands is deemed important by a committee to be set up or by an institution to be designated (sect. 73).
Attached files
Date of consolidation/reprint
Consolidated text of the Act of 6 October 1966, as last amended by Act of 28 January 1999 as published in Staatsblad No. 88 of July 2000.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Implemented by