Decree No. 1079 of 1989 relative to the duty of notification of data by vessels participating in fishing in areas for which a supervisory regime is established in accordance with Chapter VII of the Marine Fisheries Act.
Type of law
Date of original text
The Decree introduces a duty to notify by Norwegian and foreign vessels fishing in marine waters for which a supervisory regime has been established for certain periods and for which the supervisory arrangements of sections 33 to 37 of the Marine Fisheries Act 1983 are in force. It does not apply to the Lofoten supervisory area. The notification shall be made in the district in which the vessel has is stationed. Change of station shall be reported as soon as possible to the new station. (3 sections)
Attached files
Web site
Date of consolidation/reprint
Consolidated text of Decree No. 1079 of 1989 as at 14 February 2008 amended last by Decree No. 736 of 1995.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om melde- og oppgaveplikt for deltakerne i fiske i omr der hvor det er etablert oppsyn etter lov om saltvannsfiske m.v. kap. VII.