Decree No. 1374 of 2001 to regulate fishing for cod with conventional gear north of 62 N in 2002.
Type of law
This Decree prohibits in principal fishing for cod with conventional gear in the marine areas north of the 62nd parallel by Norwegian vessels. The prohibition applies also to experimental fishing and Norwegian vessels using foreigners in the sense of section 1 of the Sea-water Fisheries Act of 1983. Section 2, however, establishes a maximum of allowable catch of 104.103 tons for vessels to which this Decree applies. Provisions of Chapter II (sects. 6-9 establish catch quotas for vessels of length of maximum 28 meters and regulates exchange, distribution, etc. of quotas. Chapter III (sects. 8-10) concerns catch quotas for larger vessels. The quotas depend upon the length of the vessel. The general provisions contained in Chapter IV concern quotas for trawlers in combination fishing, a halt on fishing when quota levels are reached, landing, bycatch, etc. (21 sections)
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Remains into force for the whole year 2002.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment