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Decree No. 1477 of 1998 relative to animal health requirements in relation with the importation and exportation of seed, egg cells, and embryos of certain animal species.

Type of law
Date of original text


The text of the Decree consists of 16 sections divided into 3 Chapters: Scope, application sphere and definitions (I); General provisions (II); Final provisions (III).
The Decree aims at the prevention of spreading infectious diseases in relation with importation and exportation of seed, embryos and cells of goats and sheep, and animals of the porcine and equine species, excluding tame pigs. General requirements concern collection of seed by approved stations, supervision over such stations, requirements regarding goats and sheep, horses, and pigs, treatment and storage of seed, and health certificates. Section 10 concerns importation of countries other than those belonging to the EEA. (16 sections)
Date of consolidation/reprint
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om dyrehelsemessige betingelser for import og eksport av s d, eggceller og embryo av visse dyrearter.