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Act No. 124 of 2003 relative to food production and food safety (Food Act).

Type of law
Date of original text

The purpose of this Act is to ensure the safety of food and to promote health, quality, and consumer interests throughout the entire value chain, as well as to ensure environmentally friendly production. The Act shall further promote good health of plants and animals and shall also take into account the interests of all stakeholders along the entire value chain, including market access In third countries. The Act covers all aspects related to the production, processing, and distribution of raw materials and food, including drinking water. It further encompasses all aspects related to the production of materials and objects intended to come into contact with or may have an impact on raw materials or food. Furthermore, the law covers all use of raw materials. Finally, the Act covers all matters related to plant and animal health, including products, objects, and organisms that may carry infectious agents.
The Act establishes basic legal obligations on food safety, plant protection and animal health, and devolves on the Execute branch the powers to adopt all necessary measures and regulations for its implementation. This includes on matters such as the prevention of hazards and early warning alert systems; the regulation of food business operators; product authorization, composition and quality; labelling, presentation and advertising; traceability; reporting obligations; feed safety requirements; the prevention, monitoring, and combating of plant pests; the prevention, monitoring, and combating of animal diseases and pathogens; fees and royalties; etc. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority shall be responsible for supervising this Act and may take the necessary administrative decisions to enforce to enforce its provisions. The Act further contains provisions concerning enforcement, and offences and penalties.
The Act consists of 36 Articles divided into the following Chapters: I. Purpose, Scope, and Definitions; II. General Requirements and Obligations; III. Special Requirements and Obligations; IV. Fees, Charges, Compensation Schemes, etc.; V. Administrative Provisions, Sanctions, and Penalties; VI. Other provisions; VII. Entry into Force and Transitional Provisions.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
The Act entered into force on 1 January 2004.
Reprinted version of Act No. 124 of 2003 as amended last by Act No. 38 of 15 June 2018. The English version is an unofficial translation of the originally published version.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Lov om matproduksjon og mattrygghet mv. (matloven).
Implemented by