Decree No. 1539 of 2010 to regulate fishing for common sole in the EU zone in 2011.
Type of law
This Decree prohibits fishing and landing of common sole in the EU zone by Norwegian vessels in 2011. However, vessels with conventional gear may fish and land a total allowable catch of 50 tons in Statistical Area IV of the EU-zone. Bycatch of sole is allowed under article 3 by for vessels not involved in direct fishing for sole. The Fisheries Directorate may stop fishing if the total catch quota is reached (art. 4). Offences and penalties are prescribed by the Laws here implemented. (6 articles)
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om regulering av fisket etter sj tunge i EU-sonen i 2011.