Decree No. 1558 of 2005 to regulate fishing for cod in the North Sea and the Skagerrak in 2006.
Type of law
The Decree prohibits in general the fishing by Norwegian vessels for cod in the North Sea and outside the baseline in the Skagerrak in 2006. However, section 2 allows a total catch by Norwegian vessels of 3.560 tons in the North Sea and 108 tons in the Skagerrak. A catch quota shall be allocated in accordance with the size of the participating vessel. Remaining provisions concern by catch (art. 4), quota arrangements related to the status of the vessel and transfer of catch or quotas (arts. 5 to 7), powers of the Director of Fisheries (art. 8), and penalties (sect. 9). (10 articles)
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Remains in force until the end of 2006.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om regulering av fisket etter torsk i Nordsj en og Skagerrak i 2006.