Decree No. 199 of 1997 on the prevention and limitation of spreading and eradication of Gyrodactylus salaris.
Type of law
Date of original text
This Decree places restrictions on the removal of dead or live fish from aquaculture installations and provides for measures to clean aquaculture installation watercourses in cases where the presence of parasite G. Salaris exists or is suspected of existing. The county veterinarian concerned may either take preventive measures in watercourses or aquaculture facilities or measures to limit the spreading or to eradicate the pest, in accordance with instructions of the National Food Authority. The use of chemicals in watercourses requires a permit, according to the Pollution Act. If a measure affects fish stock, a permit issued pursuant to the Act on salmons and freshwater fish is required (sect. 7). (11 sections)
Attached files
Web site
Date of consolidation/reprint
Consolidated version of Decree No. 199 of 1997 as amended by Decree No. 81 of 2004.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om forebygging, begrensning og utrydding av Gyrodactylus salaris.