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Decree No. 548 of 2000 relative to protection measures against BSE in relation with importation from the United Kingdom.

Type of law
Date of original text


This Decree seeks to prevent spreading of bovine spongiform encefalopathy (BSE) by controlling importation of living cattle, embryos of such animals, meat of cattle, and related products from the United Kingdom. "Cattle" is defined in article 3. It shall be prohibited too import cattle, embryos and meat as well as mammalian bone meal and related products of feed containing such products (art. 4). It shall also be prohibit to import meat of cattle and certain cosmetic products, certain specified products excepted. Article 7 concerns materials imported form the UK of animals slaughtered outside the UK. Such products shall be accompanied by a health certificate of a public veterinary as in accordance with Council decision 1998/256/EC. (10 articles)
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
This Decree enters into force immediately.
Consolidated version of Decree No. 548 of 2000 as amended last by Decree No. 15 of 2004.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om s rskilte beskyttelsestiltak mot bovin spongiform encefalopati (BSE) ved innf rsel fra Det forente kongerike (UK).