Directive relative to carrying out of fishing for bottom fish in fishery zones of Greenland in 2000 (No. 358 of 2000).
Type of law
The Decree, here implemented, prohibits fishing by vessels flying the flag of Norway in fishery zones of Greenland (ICES areas Va, XII and XIV and NAFO subarea 1). However certain specified quotas of halibut, Greenland halibut, cod, redfish, and some other bottom species may be caught. Quotas are specified for East Greenland and West Greenland. Article 6 provides for redistribution of quotas. According to this Directive the Director of Fisheries may redistribute quotas before 1 August, 2000. Vessels equipped with conventional gear shall not sail after 15 September for waters of West Greenland.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Enters into force immediately and remains in force until the end of 2000.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment