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Regulation No. 1347 on control area for prevention, reduction and combat of infectious salmon anemia (ISA) in aquaculture animals, V gan Municipality, Nordland.

Type of law

The purpose of this Regulation is to prevent, reduce and fight the infectious disease salmon anemia (ISA) in aquaculture animals specifically any salmonids and marine fish whatever stage of development (fish belonging to the genera Salmo, Salvelinus and Oncorhynchus in the family of Salmonidae); aquatic animals in resting and reproductive stages, except sea mammals which come from or destined to aquaculture facilities. These provisions shall apply to the establishment of a control area consisting of combat and surveillance zones in V gan municipality in Nordland. Specific area coordinates are listed under article 2. It is prohibited to release aquaculture in these combat zones and to aquaculture animals from plants in combat zone of combat zone without permission from the Norwegian Food Security Authority(FSA). The prohibition also applies to aquaculture animals for slaughter and production facilities.
The Regulation consists of V Chapters: Purpose, scope and definitions (I); Measures in combat zone (II); Measures in the surveillance zone (III); Duration of control area (IV); Other provisions (V).
Appendix 1 - Map showing the ISA control zone in V gan Municipality, Nordland.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Immediate entry into force. This Regulation shall automatically repeal two years after the determination of amendments abolishing combat zone in compliance with article 13.
Source language


Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om kontrollomr de for forebygge, begrense og bekjempe infeksi s lakseanemi (ILA) hos akvakulturdyr, V gan kommune, Nordland.