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Regulation No. 1685 on 2014 fishery for cod, haddock and saithe 62 degrees north.

Type of law

It is not permitted to Norwegian fishing vessels to catch or land in 2014 cod, haddock and saithe at 62 degrees north. However, following total allowable catch is permitted in the 62 degrees northern area for cod (458 735 tons) and haddock (88 115) and in internal waters, territorial sea and economic zone north of 62 degrees for saithe (102 513). The document specifies the quotas according to method of fishing, time and date of fishing and size/volume capability of fishing vessels.
The Regulation consists of 6 Chapters: Fish authorization and quotas, articles 1-5 (1); Fishing with trawl, articles 6-10 (2); Fishing with nets, articles 11-12 (3); Conventional fishing vessels authorized to participate, articles 13-15 (4); Fishing with conventional equipment for vessels of less than 500 m cargo volume which have opportunity to participate in closed groups, articles 16-20 (5); Fishing with conventional equipment by vessels authorized to participate in open groups, articles 21-24 (6); Common provisions, articles 25-33 (7); Administrative fines, penalties and entry into force, articles 34-36 (8).
Appendix 1 - Coastal cod regulation - area limitations.
Appendix 2 - Protection of coastal cod in 2014.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
1 January 2014 with validity to 31 December 2014.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om regulering av fisket etter torsk, hyse og sei nord for 62 N i 2014.