Regulation No. 1862 regulating cod, haddock and saithe fishing north of 62 N in 2015.
Type of law
This document sets regulations concerning the fishing of cod, haddock and saithe north of 62 N in 2015. It applies to the authorized fishing methods and gear for fishing vessels, as well as the total allowable catch of such marine fish. Although it is prohibited for Norwegian vessels to fish and land cod, haddock and saithe north of 62 N in 2015, Norwegian vessels may participate in fishing and land 414 920 tons of cod in the area north of 62 N, 89 045 tons of haddock in the area north of 62 N, and 105 950 tons of saithe in Norway's internal waters, territorial sea and exclusive economic zone north of 62 N. Of these quantities 749 tons of cod, 548 tons of haddock and 160 tons of saithe are allocated for research, apprenticeships and teaching purposes, while 7 000 tons of cod, 300 tons of haddock and 2 000 tons of saithe may cover capture within youth fishing schemes and recreational fishing (recreational tourist fishing). 3 680 tons of cod and 930 tons of haddock are allocated to conventional deep-sea vessels, vessels with cod trawling permit and vessel with saithe trawl license as compensation for lack of access to EU waters in 2014. 3 000 tons of cod are allocated to monitoring of coastal fisheries committee for Finnmark, 350 tons of saithe for baitl , 4 000 tons of cod to cover quota bonus by live storage and 500 tons of cod to cover intervention in fishing for capelin. All quantities are specified in live weight. Conventional fishing vessels that do not meet the conditions for participating in the direct fishery for pollock nets may, when fishing for other species, catch up to 50% by-catch of pollock. When the direct fishery for saithe with conventional tools is stopped, or when the vessel has fished his total allowable catch, conventional fishing vessel may have up to 25% by-catch of pollock. It is not permitted to fish bycatch of cod or haddock beyond vessels' quota.
The Regulation consists of 8 Chapters and 2 Appendices: Fish ban and quotas (1); Fishing with trawl (2); Fishing with seine (3); Conventional fishing vessels entitled to participate (4); Fishing with conventional gear of vessels with less than 500 m cargo volume and that has the opportunity to participate in closed groups (5); Fishing with conventional gear of vessels that are authorized to participate in the open group (6); General provisions (7); Administrative fines, penalties and entry into force (8).
Appendix 1 - Coastal cod regulation - area restrictions.
Appendix 2 - Protection of cod in 2015.
The Regulation consists of 8 Chapters and 2 Appendices: Fish ban and quotas (1); Fishing with trawl (2); Fishing with seine (3); Conventional fishing vessels entitled to participate (4); Fishing with conventional gear of vessels with less than 500 m cargo volume and that has the opportunity to participate in closed groups (5); Fishing with conventional gear of vessels that are authorized to participate in the open group (6); General provisions (7); Administrative fines, penalties and entry into force (8).
Appendix 1 - Coastal cod regulation - area restrictions.
Appendix 2 - Protection of cod in 2015.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
1 January 2015 with validity until 31 December 2015.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om regulering av fisket etter torsk, hyse og sei nord for 62 N i 2015.