Regulation No. 196 on control area to prevent, control and eradicate salmon parasite Gyrodactylus salaris in aquatic animals, Rana, Hemnes, Saltdal, Beiarn, Meloy and Rad y municipalities, Nordland.
Type of law
The purpose of this Regulation is to prevent, control and eradicate diseases caused by salmon parasite Gyrodactylus salaris in aquatic animals. The detailed area is shown in the Appendix map. Measures complying with these provisions include the ban of fishing in such areas; the Norwegian Food Safety Authority shall approve fishing activities if necessary arrangements are established to prevent the spread of infection, including disinfection of equipment.
Chapter overview: Purpose, scope and definitions (I); Measures relating to combating zone (II); Measures applicable to the whole control area (III); Measures relating to the surveillance zone (IV); Measures by chemical treatment (V); Repeal of combat zone (VI); Other provisions (VII).
Appendix - Control Area for Gyrodactylus salaris in Rana, Hemnes, Saltdal, Beiarn, Meloy and Rad y municipalities, Nordland County (Map).
Chapter overview: Purpose, scope and definitions (I); Measures relating to combating zone (II); Measures applicable to the whole control area (III); Measures relating to the surveillance zone (IV); Measures by chemical treatment (V); Repeal of combat zone (VI); Other provisions (VII).
Appendix - Control Area for Gyrodactylus salaris in Rana, Hemnes, Saltdal, Beiarn, Meloy and Rad y municipalities, Nordland County (Map).
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
4 March 2015. The Regulation shall be repealed when the Norwegian Food Safety Authorirty has notified decision on outcome of the monitored area.
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om kontrollomr de for forebygge, begrense og utrydde lakseparasitten Gyrodactylus salaris hos akvatiske dyr, Rana, Hemnes, Saltdal, Beiarn, Mel y og Rad y kommuner, Nordland.