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Regulation No. 348 on fishing by vessels flying Swedish flag in the economic zone south of 62 N in 2014.

Type of law

It is prohibited for vessels flying the Swedish flag to fish and catch in the economic zone. However, vessels flying Swedish flag are authorized to fish for quantities in the Norwegian economic zone south of 62 N between 12 and 200 nautical miles from the coastline and west of a straight line through Lindesnes and Hanstholmen: 382 tons of cod; 707 tons of haddock; 880 tons of saithe; 190 tons of pollack/whiting; 247 tons of mackerel, including bycatch; 800 tons of forage fish (of which a maximum of 400 tons of horse mackerel); 866 tons of herring; 123 tons of shrimp; and other species in the same quantities. By-catches of cod, haddock, saithe, pollack and whiting offset against the quotas for these species. Catches of mackerel fishing for herring is limited to 10% at each catch.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Immediate entry with validity until 31 December 2014.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om regulering av fisket med fart y som f rer svensk flagg i Norges konomiske sone s r for 62 N i 2014.