Regulation No. 507 on control measures for import of aquaculture products from India.
Type of law
The purpose of this Regulation is to ensure food safety by ensuring that aquaculture products from India intended for human consumption do not contain harmful residues of veterinary drugs. Health certificates shall be issued after analysis and inspection, and include information on shipment which does not exceed the maximum residue levels of klorampenikol, tetracycline, oxytetracycline and klortetracyklin and metabolites of nitrofuran. The samples will be analyzed using analytical methods in accordance with Articles 3 and 4 of Decision 2002/657/EC. All results shall be submitted to the European Commission through the rapid alert system RASFF.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Immediate entry into force.
Repealing Regulation No. 1265 of 13 October 2009.Reference is made to EEA Agreement, Annex I, Chapter I, Section 7.1 # 13, Chapter II, paragraph 41 and Annex II, Chapter XII 54zzzc of Decision 2010/381/EU.
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
FOR 2011-05-19 nr 507: Forskrift om s rskilte beskyttelsestiltak ved import av akvakulturprodukter fra India til humant konsum.